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Compliance Clarified – A podcast by Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence: Continuing regulatory challenges of hybrid working

By February 22, 2022May 26th, 2024No Comments
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Season 4, Episode 4: Continuing regulatory challenges of hybrid working

In the fourth episode of season 4 of the Compliance Clarified podcast, Susannah Hammond is joined by Lindsey Rogerson and Stacey English, director of market intelligence at Theta Lake, to discuss all things hybrid working – what we were all bounced into at the start of the pandemic has, in some shape or form, become the new normal with many, if not all, financial services firms adopting some sort of flexible working going forward.

Listen to the episode here!
Stacey English

Author Stacey English

Stacey English is Director of Regulatory Intelligence for Theta Lake. She has over 25 years' experience in financial services regulation and technology as a former regulator at the now FCA and as a risk and compliance practitioner in global banks and insurers. She formerly led Regulatory Intelligence for Thomson Reuters providing regulatory and industry insight to financial services firms. Stacey is also a qualified accountant, a published author on conduct and accountability and an Honorary Fellow of Cambridge Judge Business School providing expert guidance on regulation. Linkedin

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