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Complete Electronic Communications Capture for ICE Chat

ICE Chat, from Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), is a robust messaging system used by over 115,000 market participants. It facilitates real-time collaboration and trading opportunities via features like quote and trade recognition logic and blast messages. ICE Chat also includes a marketplace directory, promoting connectivity amongst its extensive network of market participants. The Theta Lake integration allows organizations to capture communications from ICE Chat automatically. With complete coverage for communications created across ICE Chat, Desk Chat, and Conference Room Chat, you can ensure a secure and compliant communication environment.

ThetaLake and ICE Integration


Financial organizations face the challenges of regulatory obligations that include the need to implement audit processes and supervisory oversight of content like ICE messaging communications. In addition, this also requires the need to incorporate compliance storage, monitoring and analysis of data generates on the ICE Chat platform. As a result of these regulations and requirements, firms must be able to quickly identify potential risks that are demonstrable to auditors, while at the same time maintaining an archiving and supervision environment that is cost-effective and productive.

Theta Lake use Cases for ICE Chat

Complete eCommunications Capture

Capture ICE Chat, Desk Chat, and Conference Room Chat and stored in their native format and fully threaded across the activity history.

Automated Risk Detection

Powered by AI and Machine Learning, Theta Lake offers 90+ built-in policy classifiers to detect risks in ICE Chat, such as data loss, regulatory and corporate compliance violations, inappropriate behavior, and more.

Lightning Fast eDiscovery

Theta Lake offers robust eDiscovery capabilities across hundreds of search filters and metadata, such as participants, date ranges, and policy detections, with the ability to apply granular legal holds on.

Flexible Storage Options

Theta Lake is a SOC 2 Type 2-certified, 17a-4 compliant archive, purpose-built to preserve dynamic communications. Apply rule-based retention policies on all communications, or connect in to any existing third party archive and send content downstream.

How we Integrate

Theta Lake automatically captures and archives chat messages via SFTP in their native format from ICE, allowing compliance, legal, and risk teams to supervise and review ICE messaging communication content for compliance, security, and acceptable use risks. This integration covers ICE chat, Desk Chat, and Conference Room Chat. After ingestion, content is threaded natively so that reviewers can easily gain key insights into context and identify potential data loss or regulatory risk. Theta Lake can act as the archive of record for institutions needing to comply with SEC 17a-4 Books and Records, or act as an archive connector and route captured ICE Chat content to a customer’s existing storage instance.