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Archiving + Compliance
for Microsoft
Teams Chat


Theta Lake provides AI-based capture, archiving, eDiscovery, and supervision for Microsoft Teams with automated detection of data leakage and compliance risks in chat and shared content.



Theta Lake enables enterprises to securely capture, retain, retrieve, and review fully threaded messages and content shared within collaboration chats to comply with SEC Rule 17a-4 data retention requirements.


Compliance Intelligence for Microsoft Teams

Stay Compliant at Every Stage of the Review Process

Review conversations in context with fully threaded messages and file archiving from 1:1 and group channels


Customizable workflows assign high-risk content to compliance team members to efficiently review and take action on compliance risks


Identify data leakage of sensitive or confidential information within the message or shared content


Customizable retention policies with ability to apply legal holds In Theta Lake’s secure, WORM compliant archive

Preview of Theta Lake search screen for modern collaboration chat platforms

Meet Archiving, Retention, and Supervision Requirements

Theta Lake enables compliance, legal, and risk teams to securely capture, retain, retrieve, and review fully threaded messages—both from 1:1 and group channels, as well as any files shared through Microsoft Teams.


Conversations are saved in their original threaded context. Plus, shared files and rich media are archived based on retention policies, enabling you to readily comply with SEC Rule 17a-4 data retention requirements. Legal and compliance teams can perform rich eDiscovery across threaded messages, shared files, and media recordings. This includes audio calls, video conferences, and screenshares.

Empower your Compliance Team with Intelligent Detection

Existing supervision practices typically only focus on the text within Teams chat, leaving a blind spot when it comes to files, audio recordings, video recordings, or images shared through this channel. Theta Lake takes a holistic approach to review. Our solution analyzes any form of shared content to identify potential data loss or compliance risks and makes it easily searchable for legal discovery.


Powered by deep learning and AI, Theta Lake automatically detects confidential data, risky behavior, and compliance risks, pointing reviewers to an exact piece of content that requires further investigation.

Compliance review of a zoom conference call
Microsoft Teams integration, Theta Lake compliance suite overview

Store, Manage and Retrieve Teams Communications

Theta Lake provides a free, 17a-4 compliant archiving module of its compliance and supervision suite for firms looking for a low-cost way to get started.

Theta Lake’s Collaboration Compliance Archive includes:

  • Seamless capture of Teams content with 100 GB of free storage, plus simple storage add-ons
  • 17a-4 compliant storage hosted in a secure SOC2 Type 2 certified data center designed specifically for collaboration platform archiving
  • Full archive retention policy management
  • Easy access, viewing, and meta-data search of messages and content shared
  • Simple, click-through upgrades for full supervision, individual recording supervision, data export, and additional storage

Realtime Compliance Advisor

Realtime Compliance Advisor helps your organization eliminate risky conduct during Microsoft Teams video conferences by alerting users that your organization has a video monitoring program in place and training users on how to comply with corporate compliance policies, such as best practices when using screen share or webcams.


Realtime Compliance Advisor also simplifies compliance coverage by putting approved compliance resources (disclosures, disclaimers, NDAs) in your users’ fingertips at the place and time they need it. In addition, users are provided a personalized dashboard that assesses their individual compliance performance and benchmarks them against peers, motivating users to be more compliance conscious when using Microsoft Teams. 

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Security and Compliance for Modern Collaboration Platforms

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