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FinTech Global: What are the hidden costs of the ‘toggle tax’ in FinTech?

By April 8, 2024December 13th, 2024No Comments

In the rapidly evolving landscape of FinTech, the concept of the “toggle tax” has emerged as a significant challenge for organisations worldwide.

According to Theta Lake, coined by the Harvard Business Review, the toggle tax represents the substantial cognitive load and productivity loss users experience from constant context switching between workplace applications. Beyond just a time sink, this phenomenon incurs a significant toll on users, manifesting in diminished productivity across the board.

Recent findings from a survey involving over 600 IT and compliance professionals underscore the pervasive challenges that financial services firms encounter in navigating regulatory obligations within the realm of unified communications (UCC). The survey highlights a concerning trend: a staggering two-thirds of firms have curtailed their UCC platform functionalities owing to compliance apprehensions. This restriction not only exemplifies the toggle tax but exacerbates it, as users must navigate a labyrinth of applications for different needs—ranging from chat and file sharing to whiteboarding—thus amplifying the cognitive burden.

For IT and compliance teams, the toggle tax manifests in the arduous task of managing multiple communication capture tools essential for regulatory recordkeeping. The fragmentation of data across silos—each with its unique set of tools and interfaces—demands extensive administrative effort. This scenario often culminates in outcomes that, at best, can be described as a compromise under duress and, at worst, a failure through a critical lens. The repercussions extend beyond productivity losses to include regulatory penalties, brand reputation damage, and other severe business consequences.


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